RIMES Methodology Phase 3
Testing the RIMES Instrument in Spain

Before disseminating the instrument internationally and promoting its use in other countries, it was important to test the instrument in a specific country, which was Spain.

To do so, each of the items comprising the validated instrument were distributed among the members of the team, who gathered the information pertaining to the question of the item assigned to them.

Each of the items comprising the validated instrument were distributed among the members of the team, who gathered the information pertaining to the question of the item assigned to them.

  • For the items that refer to rules it was necessary to study current legislation and case law.
  • For the items that refer to practices it was necessary to either find official statistics or conduct field work to obtain data not available in official statistics.

For items that require the gathering of primary data, it was proposed that the study be conducted in one main city and in one secondary city, with triangulation of quantitative and qualitative methodology in samples of representative population. The recording and analysis of data was done by using specific data processing software, such as SPSS, Atlas-Ti, etc.